How Will The Menopause Affect My Relationship?


What is on this pageRelationships and the MenopauseWomen in mid-lifeWill my relationship be affected?How will the menopause affect our sex life?Same Sex couples and MenopausePartners and MenopauseWhat can help? Relationships and the Menopause In this session we interviewed Individual, Couples, Psychosexual therapist and expert on all things menopause, Martina Bador. In this blog find all you need to know about …

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The 12 Steps of AA


What is on this pageThe 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and PsychotherapyThe 12 Steps are:The 12 Steps and TherapyTaking the First Step The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Psychotherapy The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are a set of guiding principles for recovery from addiction, originally developed by AA as a means of helping individuals overcome alcoholism. The …

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Sex and The Menopause


In this session we interviewed Individual, Couples and Psychosexual Therapist, Martina Bador, for her extensive knowledge and expertise on everything Menopause. In this blog find everything you need to know about the Menopause, what to expect, what can help and how it will affect your sex life. The menopause is an ever-growing topic; more women than ever are publicly opening up about the …

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Do I need bereavement counselling?


The loss of a loved one can present an overwhelming influx of emotions. Whilst trying to come to terms with your loss and cope with the realisation that that person is no longer present in your life, our emotional, mental and physical health can also suffer as a consequence. The aching moments following a person’s death are to be expected …

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The Impact of Technology Relationships and Sex


What is on this pageIntimacy and the effects of technologyIs it possible to be addicted to technology?Is it possible to be addicted to pornography?Pros & Cons of Technology in RelationshipsCan therapy help?Relationships and the Future Intimacy and the effects of technology It is no surprise that technology has taken over the globe in just the past few decades, changing the …

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Sex is for the Young and Able-bodied Vs the Truth


In this session we interviewed Individual, Couples and Psychosexual Therapist, Martina Bador, for her expertise on what sex really means for those who are aging and going through physical changes. In this blog find everything you need to know about sex, ageing, and health conditions including, what is “normal”, the affects, and what can help. What is on this pageThe truth about …

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Codependency and Attachment


What is on this pageCo-dependency and AttachmentAttachment trauma and co-dependencyWhose fault is my co-dependent relationship?How do I know if I am Co-dependent?How therapy can help Co-dependency and Attachment Co-dependency is a term applied to summarise someone who continuously puts other people’s wants, needs and feelings ahead of their own and endlessly pleases others to achieve approval, even when it affects …

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Collective Grief

Support Groups Therapy

Grief is a process of collective reparation to be expected following a loss or dramatic event that has affected groups of people as a whole, such as a town, community, country or local area. Collective grief can follow events that resulted in tragedies or fatalities including war, high profile casualties and natural disasters. Facing loss without support can lead to …

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How Psychosexual Therapy Can Help Manage Vaginal Pain


Sexual dysfunction in women is often shown as vaginal discomfort, which goes by many names, including vulval pain, vaginismus, and dyspareunia. When a woman has vaginal pain, it affects the quality and amount of her sexual activity, causing her to have a low libido and lack of sexual desire. If you suffer from vaginal pain, you may fear pain during …

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Understanding Codependency


What co-dependency is, is a question often raised for self-clarification or to self-diagnose another person or oneself. Sorry to say, this question does not hold one simple answer, but can in fact lead to further questions. Co-dependency affects a person’s ability to form equal and healthy relationships. Co-dependent relationships can often appear to be one-sided, controlling, or abusive with no …

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