Psychotherapy Articles

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Mindful Connections: Navigating Consent In The Digital Dating Era


In the digital age, dating has become more accessible than ever before. With the rise of dating apps and social media, finding a potential partner has never been easier. However, this newfound convenience has also brought about new challenges, particularly when navigating consent. Consent is at the heart of any healthy and respectful relationship. Consent is an enthusiastic and clear …

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The Weight Of Culture In Grief: How To Honour Your Unique Experience

Grief Counselling

The journey of grief is a deeply personal and individual experience, shaped by a myriad of factors, including culture. The way we express and experience grief is influenced by the traditions and norms of our cultural backgrounds, which can create a unique and diverse landscape of grief experiences. What is on this pageCulture In GriefExamples of rituals across different cultures …

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The Art Of Self-Love: Prioritising Care In The Aftermath Of Emotional Abuse


The Art Of Self-Love As we navigate life, we encounter various good and bad experiences. One of the most challenging experiences that we can face is emotional abuse. It can leave us feeling shattered, broken, and questioning our self-worth. But, despite the pain, it is possible to heal and find a way forward. Practising self-love is an essential component of …

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Helping Children Cope With Loss And Grief

Grief And Children

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences that anyone can go through. The pain and sadness can be overwhelming, and it can be especially challenging for children who may not fully understand the concept of death. As a parent, caregiver, or educator, it is important to provide support and guidance to help children cope with grief …

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Reimagining Power: Addressing Dynamics In Sexual Relationships.


Sexual relationships are complex, and power dynamics play a significant role in shaping how they unfold. Often, power imbalances can lead to abusive behaviour, which can be challenging to recognise and address. It’s essential to re-imagine power structures in sexual relationships to promote healthy communication, mutual respect, and consent. This article will explore power dynamics in sexual relationships, the importance …

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Mind And Body: The Connection Between Trauma and Physical Health In PTSD


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that affects individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. While PTSD is primarily known for its psychological characteristics, such as flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety, it can also significantly impact physical health. Research has shown that trauma and PTSD are linked to various physical health problems, including cardiovascular disease, chronic …

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From Wounded To Warrior: Reclaiming Your Power Through Therapy After Abuse

Therapy Help: Power Through Therapy

What is on this pagePower Through TherapyMyth 1: Therapy is for weak or crazy people.Myth 2: Therapy is expensive and time-consuming.Myth 3: Therapy is only about talking.Myth 4: Therapy is a quick fix or a magic solution.Myth 5: Therapy is a private matter that we should not share with others.How Therapy Can Help With Reclaiming Our Power Through Therapy After …

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