Codependency and Attachment


Co-dependency and Attachment Co-dependency is a term applied to summarise someone who continuously puts other people’s wants, needs and feelings ahead of their own and endlessly pleases others to achieve approval, even when it affects their everyday life and mental health. For people with co-dependent predispositions, the risk and thought of someone they value important leaving them will feel unbearable, …

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Understanding Codependency

Codependency And Attachment

What co-dependency is, is a question often raised for self-clarification or to self-diagnose another person or oneself. Sorry to say, this question does not hold one simple answer, but can in fact lead to further questions. Co-dependency affects a person’s ability to form equal and healthy relationships. Co-dependent relationships can often appear to be one-sided, controlling, or abusive with no …

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Relationships and Codependency

Codependency And Attachment

Co-dependency in relationships is an unhealthy partnership where one feels they cannot be without the other person and the other person often takes advantage. Key themes in co-dependent relationships often involve fear of abandonment and lack of boundaries. Co-dependency is a learned behaviour based on unconscious false beliefs, often from our early development attachment and experiences, linked with culture and …

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Codependency vs Interdependence

Codependency Counselling

Co-dependency and interdependence are two completely different relationship experiences. Co-dependency sees a person channelling most of their attention and energy into supporting important people in their lives without considering their own needs. Likely to generate relational imbalance and to impact the individual capacity for a healthy and equal relationship, co-dependency puts one person above the other, whereas interdependency requires both …

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