Gender, Sexual, and Relationship Diversity

Relationship Diversity

Gender, Sexual, and Relationship Diversity – GSRD Non-monogamy, whether it is consensual or not Since 1990, The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL) have undertaken a large study of sexual behaviour in British adults, the latest survey, NATSAL 4 started in September 2022.  NATSAL 1 & 2 asked informants to identify their ‘ideal relationship’ from the choices below, …

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How Will The Menopause Affect My Relationship?

Relationship Diversity

Relationships and the Menopause In this session we interviewed Individual, Couples, Psychosexual therapist and expert on all things menopause, Martina Bador. In this blog find all you need to know about relationships, Menopause, women in mid-life, couples and sex. The decrease in oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone can cause physical and emotional changes – also known as the Menopause. The menopause …

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The Impact of Technology Relationships and Sex

Relationship Diversity

Intimacy and the effects of technology It is no surprise that technology has taken over the globe in just the past few decades, changing the way we live, work, socialise and develop relationships. But we are now in an age of tech where we have seen everything so easily available on the internet from pornography available freely online, webcam sex, …

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